
  • Wyatt’s 18 Month Baby Update

    We officially have a toddler on our hands! In light of having officially relaunched this blog a couple of months ago, I thought it was about time to formally introduce you to Wyatt over here. Wyatt turned a year and a half on November 9th, but I wanted to wait until after his doctor appointment before making this post/video. Wyatt is a talking machine now! Never do I get a quiet moment when he’s awake. Some of the most recent additions to his ever growing vocabulary include: flower, spicy, Cheesies, go away, and doodles (noodle). I am beyond pleased with his language development as this was an area of worry…

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  • Reclaiming My Body | My Postpartum Fitness Journey

    After putting together my YouTube video schedule for November, writing down ‘Wyatt’s 18 Month Update”, I realized my body has been sustaining another human in one way or another for 27 freaking months! That is wild! I have started the process of weaning Wyatt. I’ve been breastfeeding for almost 18 months now and am just feeling ‘done’. I had no goal going into my breastfeeding journey, having not breastfed Maxwell, and am super proud to have made it this far. I can go into more details about these topics another day. But it’s time. I want my body back for myself. Since the summer especially, I have been working pretty…

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