
25 Random Facts About Me

I thought the perfect way to start this blog was to offer a bit of insight, perhaps answer the question “Who is it that writes this blog?”.

So, here we go: 25 Random Facts About Me.

1.       I am 21 years old. My birthday is January 29th.
2.       I’m 5’ 4 ½” – the ½ inch is very important people!
3.       I’m currently in my third year of a Bachelor of Commerce degree. I chose commerce because I didn’t (and still don’t) know what I want to do ‘when I grow up’. I figured, a business degree was a good place to start, and can offer me the flexibility to figure it out.
4.       I have a 4 year old son. His name is Maxwell.
5.       I try to live by the “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all” philosophy.
6.       My favourite colour is orange.
7.       I lose my phone ALL the time, in the weirdest places sometimes too.
8.       My closet is organized by type (ie. jeans, dress pants, crop tops, tank tops, short sleeve tops etc.) Then, it is also organized by colour – I guess you can call me mildly OCD. My husband thinks it’s funny to rearrange my highly organized belongings. I do not think this is funny – at all!
9.       Tulips are my favourite flower.
10.   When I was little I had light blonde, curly hair.
11.   My eyes are hazel.
12.   I’m rubbish at keeping in touch with people. Sorry friends, I still love you!
13.   The only concert I’ve been to was Carrie Underwood and Little Big Town.
14.   My first proper job was in a drugstore.
15.   I’d be content to basically live in pajama or yoga pants.
16.   I am an avid animal lover.
17.   When I was 14, I rescued a horse from starvation. His name was Duncan.
18.   Growing up, I always had (approximately) 2-5 horses, 1-3 dogs, and an abundance of barn cats. There was also a time when we had a guinea pig, and a rabbit.
19.   Things I love: makeup, shoes, yoga, pilates, reading, and cooking. This is obviously not an exhaustive list.
20.   Math was my favourite subject in school, from Primary right up to Grade 12. I did every course available to me including accounting and calculus.
21.   I love subscription box services. I am currently receiving Ipsy and Naturebox, but I’d love to have more.
22.   If nachos are on the menu, I will order them 90% of the time. Restaurant nachos are just so much better than the ones you make at home.
23.   I’m not the biggest fan of physical contact. The exception being my husband and son, I want to snuggle all the time with them.
24.   Showers: the hotter the better!
25.   At my house, we regularly participate in #ppfn (pizza party Friday night). Inspired by the SacconeJolys.
There you have it folks, 25 random facts!
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