Feeling Bendy
I’ve been really enjoying doing 30 Days of Yoga with Adriene! The series is made with the intent of you doing it everyday for 30 days. However, if you can’t commit to that – that’s okay too! The videos vary in length some are as short at 10 minutes, others are 40 minutes.
I’ve been doing the yoga whenever I can fit it in, this is not everyday for me. It can be three times a week, or even once a week depending on how busy I am at the time. I am doing the videos in order though and am currently on Day 17.
Adriene teaches yoga in a way that it doesn’t matter what level you are at. She is always says ‘find what feels good’, and I really like that. She’s also funny which makes listening to her even more enjoyable.
The sequences she goes through in these videos allows even the most inexperienced yogi to get into the positions, and gives many variations depending on the individuals ability. Early on I was able to do the Crow Pose, just for a few seconds, but it made me feel so accomplished.
Doing yoga with Adriene has allowed me to spend sometime on myself in a more productive way rather than just watching Netflix. Though both are relaxing, I feel that yoga is doing incredible things for my body and mind. I don’t have all the tension in my back and shoulders, and my hamstrings are really starting to loosen up.
I recommend giving this series a go and let me know how you found it. I’d love to hear your opinions.