A New Era
Welcome to (another) new era of ’emilynmax’!
I know I have relaunched this blog a number of times but, as always, I hope this time will be different.
I haven’t been posting on here consistently for years and I’ve missed it.
With this new era; this relaunched, new and improved ’emilynmax’, the content is going to be a bit different than before. I have rekindled my love affair with books. I started sharing this love on my family YouTube channel, ‘emilynfamily‘ and have had so much support. Therefore, there will be a lot of bookish content featured here, but also beauty, as in the past, and motherhood topics. Hence, the new “slogan”, if you will, Beauty. Babies. Books.
Essentially, I want this blog to be a hub for all my interests, residing in one cozy corner of the Internet. I’m hoping you’re all on board.
This blog will continue to be based on MY PERSONAL OPINIONS, and not just the same information you can find on any other blog, we’re all different and that’s beautiful. I strive to be unbiased and honest in all content.
If there is a specific product, book or topic you’d like me to review/discuss, you can either email me at [email protected] or DM me on Twitter or Instagram @emilynmax and I’d love to look into it!