Nomad Fall Favorites Restock!

The countdown is on! I have been eagerly awaiting this restock from Nomad Cosmetics.
Nomad Cosmetics is a destination themed indie makeup brand. Meaning their products are created with a destination from around the world in mind. Their products are relatively affordable compared to others in this industry, they’re cruelty-free & vegan. A portion of all their sales go towards a charity that relates the its theme. When shopping from their site, be sure to use an influencer discount code to save.
Wednesday September 4th at midnight EST, two fall favorites will be restocking. The Ghost Town palette, and Haunted Europe for $49 each.
Ghost Town is the palette that I will be grabbing (probably along with their newest release, Fuji). It’s an interesting mix of muted colorful cool tones, and neutrals. Inspired by the decaying ghost towns of the Old West. What really grabbed me is the packaging! I truly regretted not picking up this palette last year when it released. Having been on my mind for over a year now, I think it’s safe to say I should grab it while I can.
Haunted Europe, inspired by the dark fairy tales of medieval Europe, has been brought back from the vault a couple times now, but Nomad has said this will be your last opportunity to pick this one up. I see this palette recommended often in Fall Palette videos on YouTube. It has a good mix of warm toned neutrals and color, which I think Nomad does really well with their palettes. Combining neutrals and color the way they’re able to, makes the palettes appeal to a wider customer base.
There will be a bundle option, discounted 20% if you pick up both. The necessary code will be shared on launch.
Are you picking up either of these palette, or maybe both of them? Let me know!
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Photo from Nomad Cosmetics Instagram