
  • Recharging Before the New Year

    The week after Christmas and before you start working on all those New Year Resolutions, is the perfect time to relax, recharge, and reflect. I think this is the only week in the year when it’s not only perfectly acceptable, but encouraged to do nothing. Leading up to Christmas is a time of year filled with not only joy and family, but a lot of stress. Many feeling stressed financially, or through expectations, or maybe just the sheer busy-ness of the holiday season. Catch those elusive Zzz’sNot only are you not able to sleep as much as you’d like because, well, adulting. Whether you’re working full time or have kiddos…

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  • Let’s Chat!

    (Source) Hi everyone! Today’s post is going to be a bit of a different one. I just wanted to write a bit of a chatty one today, and maybe get the chance to know you guys a bit better as well. First off, how was your Mother’s Day weekend? Did you have a nice weekend with your kids? Or did you travel to go see your mom? Or if you still live at home, maybe you and your mom had an extra special day/weekend? Mother’s Day weekend looks a bit different to me than perhaps most. Every year it is kind of like my designated ‘kid-free weekend’. My mom takes…