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Empties | Products I’ve Used Up

Today I thought I’d do my first empties/products I’ve used up post because I had a few items collected in my basket and I noticed this morning I’m about to run out of a ton of products in the coming weeks. The thought of my first empties post being even longer than this one seemed a bit too daunting to me for whatever reason.
Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer for Fair to Medium Skin Tones. I’ve had this floating around my stash for almost 3 years. I never used it that consistently because I found that if you applied it a few days in a row, which is its intended use, it gave be an obvious orange-y appearance, not a good look. I did like to use it when I was feeling extra pastey, and planned on wearing a leg revealing outfit the next day because it did provide just a bit of extra colour. I have heard the the one for Medium to Tan Skin Tones provides more of an olive colour so I may give that one a try next.
Maybelline Dream Fresh BB. This is kind of a cheat item as it’s not actually empty, though it has expired and needs to be thrown away. As the bottle says, it is a ‘light sheer tint’, it provides minimal coverage and colour. To be honest, I get more coverage out of a tinted moisturizer than this product. I did like that it has SPF 30, but other than that, I wasn’t too impressed which is why I didn’t use it that often. I will not repurchase this BB cream, there are better out there.
Batiste Dry Shampoo Wild scent. Batiste is the best dry shampoo I’ve ever tried! If you read my hair training post, you’d know that I’m shampooing less and in major need of A LOT of dry shampoo. I love the scent of this as well, it’s my favourite of the ones I’ve tried. I buy mine at Marshalls where it’s $6.99, it’s definitely the best deal I’ve seen, though it’s a hit or miss with the scents unfortunately.
Fruits & Passion Orange Cantaloupe Shower Gel. I received a whole set of this scent as a gift awhile ago, and at first I thought orange cantaloupe would be such a strange combination. This smell, oh my, so good! It is a bit strange, as I expected, but in the best way possible. I just got around to finishing this up because I have so many shower gels, (it seems to be a very popular gift item with my family  though I’m not complaining, I love smelling good 😉 ). If you have a chance to smell this, do it!
Little Luxuries Soapworks Whipped Cream Soap Sex on the Beach scent. This body wash is a very strange texture, it is kind of like whipped cream, as the name would suggest, but much, much thicker. I found it a bit hard to get used to. However, it smells amazing, and I felt clean which is all I ask for in a body wash. It is also made in my tiny home town, and is only $5! I’ve linked a vendor  you can order from online, and there is also an etsy shop. I just think it’s great to support small town businesses.
NUDE ProGenius Treatment Oil. This is another cheat product. I thought this product would be great for breakouts, but it seems to do the opposite. After I first suspected it was making my skin worse not better, I stopped using it for awhile, took note of my skin and tried it once more. Sure enough, I was right. This is quite a pricey skincare item as well, I’m glad I only got the 0.33 fl oz bottle to try. I will definitely not be repurchasing.
Racinne Ultimate Aqua Blanc. I used up a three day sample of this brightening cream and saw a noticeable difference in my acne scarring! It said on the sample package that it ‘effectively brightens the look of your skin in 2 weeks’ but after seeing such fast results, I will definitely be buying the full size product. It’s also not that expensive for a quality skin care product.
Guerlain Maxi Lash mascara. Another sample product I’ve used up. This is an amazing volumizing mascara! I have never heard anyone else talk about it, but maybe I missed the memo, so I didn’t have big expectation when it came with one of my Sephora orders so I was pleasantly surprised! The formula and the bristle brush are just great! I will be repurchasing the full size when I use up a few more mascaras.
Finally, Melaleuca Sun Valley Exfoliating Sugar Scrub Black Currant scent. Once upon a time, I was a member of Melaleuca and bought this sugar scrub along with a body butter in the same scent. The scent is sweet, yet tart. It was good as far as sugar scrubs go, nothing spectacular.
Have you tried any of these products? What did you think of them?
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