
  • Recap | 6 Goals for 2016

    For me, the end of the year is a time of reflection. To look back on what I’ve accomplished and what I could do better. Today’s post is a bit of a round-up on how I did on the goals I made at the beginning of the year. [I’ve linked the original post so give that a quick read first as I won’t be re-posting them here.] Fitness/Health – I was actually doing pretty well with going to the gym consistently until around September. I was following a bodybuilding style routine and really enjoyed it. My pregnancy symptoms have kept me away since which has really sucked. All I’m able…

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  • Let’s Chat!

    (Source) Hi everyone! Today’s post is going to be a bit of a different one. I just wanted to write a bit of a chatty one today, and maybe get the chance to know you guys a bit better as well. First off, how was your Mother’s Day weekend? Did you have a nice weekend with your kids? Or did you travel to go see your mom? Or if you still live at home, maybe you and your mom had an extra special day/weekend? Mother’s Day weekend looks a bit different to me than perhaps most. Every year it is kind of like my designated ‘kid-free weekend’. My mom takes…