Wyatt’s 18 Month Baby Update
We officially have a toddler on our hands! In light of having officially relaunched this blog a couple of months ago, I thought it was about time to formally introduce you to Wyatt over here. Wyatt turned a year and a half on November 9th, but I wanted to wait until after his doctor appointment before making this post/video. Wyatt is a talking machine now! Never do I get a quiet moment when he’s awake. Some of the most recent additions to his ever growing vocabulary include: flower, spicy, Cheesies, go away, and doodles (noodle). I am beyond pleased with his language development as this was an area of worry…
Recap | 6 Goals for 2016
For me, the end of the year is a time of reflection. To look back on what I’ve accomplished and what I could do better. Today’s post is a bit of a round-up on how I did on the goals I made at the beginning of the year. [I’ve linked the original post so give that a quick read first as I won’t be re-posting them here.] Fitness/Health – I was actually doing pretty well with going to the gym consistently until around September. I was following a bodybuilding style routine and really enjoyed it. My pregnancy symptoms have kept me away since which has really sucked. All I’m able…
My oh my, it has been a long time. I cannot believe I haven’t posted in over 2 months! Recently I found myself saying things like “In the new year, I’m going to get back into blogging.” Well, why do I have to wait to do something until it’s a New Years Resolution? I don’t! So here I am. This post is going to just be a bit of an update on what’s been going on / a list of my excuses for being a shitty blogger. Here we go: My last semester of university EVER (assuming I passed all exams) kicked my ass so hard! Not only were they…