
  • A New Era

    Welcome to (another) new era of ’emilynmax’! I know I have relaunched this blog a number of times but, as always, I hope this time will be different. I haven’t been posting on here consistently for years and I’ve missed it. With this new era; this relaunched, new and improved ’emilynmax’, the content is going to be a bit different than before. I have rekindled my love affair with books. I started sharing this love on my family YouTube channel, ‘emilynfamily‘ and have had so much support. Therefore, there will be a lot of bookish content featured here, but also beauty, as in the past, and motherhood topics. Hence, the…

  • Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella

    Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella is about a 14 year old girl named Audrey, who wears her dark glasses all the time. Audrey is dealing with some major mental health struggles. That is, until she meets Linus, her brothers friend. With his help, Audrey begins making major progress in her recovery. I loved that this book brought up some important mental health topics. However, it is incredibly unhealthy to portray to impressionable teens (target audience) that their mental health issues can be resolved if only you can find a cute, understanding boy to help you through it. The only reason I continued to read it was to find out what…

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  • September Aspyn Ovard VIA Unboxing | 2016

    Hey guys! This video is my September Aspyn Ovard VIA (Very Important Aspynista) subscription box unboxing! Enjoy and thanks for watching! ♥  Aspyn Ovard Subscription Box — Regular box — $15 USD VIA box — $49 USD Products in My Box: Benefit They’re Real Tinted Primer — $11.43 — Benefit They’re Real Beyond Mascara –$11.43 — MaskerAide Hydrating Facial Sheet Mask –$6.99 [full size] — Hello Extra Whitening Fluoride Toothpaste — $1.20 — Derma-e Purifying Daily Detox Scrub –$2.55 — Goodie Girl Cookies –$6.57 — Zing Anything Citrus Zinger Mini –$11.00 [full size] — Babyganics Hand Sanitizer –$6.58 [full size] — Ohh…

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  • February Favourites | 2016

    Sorry my favourites are a bit late this month! But I hope the fact that I have a ton to share with you this month will make up for it 🙂 L’Oréal Hair Expertise Arginine Resist X3 – I’ve written an entire post about these three products, which you can read here. My hair hasn’t been in this great of a condition since before bleach two or three years ago. My hair is stronger, healthier, and falls out significantly less! LUSH Mask of Magnaminty – I’ve been suffering from terrible breakouts over the past month. Using this super cleansing mask all over once a week, plus overnight on my targeted…

  • Let’s Chat!

    (Source) Hi everyone! Today’s post is going to be a bit of a different one. I just wanted to write a bit of a chatty one today, and maybe get the chance to know you guys a bit better as well. First off, how was your Mother’s Day weekend? Did you have a nice weekend with your kids? Or did you travel to go see your mom? Or if you still live at home, maybe you and your mom had an extra special day/weekend? Mother’s Day weekend looks a bit different to me than perhaps most. Every year it is kind of like my designated ‘kid-free weekend’. My mom takes…

  • The Best of Me

    Every time another Nicholas Sparks book becomes a movie and hits theatres, I always get excited. I cannot wait to go see The Longest Ride. I had just finished my last City of Bones book, which I mentioned in my Bedtime Tag post, and was looking for another book when I noticed The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks sitting there on my bookshelf unread and unloved. [This was also made into a movie last year, which I haven’t seen yet.]  (Source) So with Nicholas Sparks on my mind and the anticipation of seeing The Longest Ride, it seemed the natural choice, also I want to read all the books…

  • The Bedtime Tag

    1. What are your favourite pajamas?  I got these for Christmas this year and have worn them so much since. They are so warm and soft! It is a two piece pajama set from Walmart (George brand), and is aqua with white polka dots. 2. Current bedtime reading?  I usually only read before bed if I’m the only adult home. The book I’ve been currently reading is City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare, book 5 of the Mortal Instruments series. I got the book set of this series as a gift a few years ago and have been trying to read them all, though it’s not quite my cup…